While trying to come up with names for the business, I would suggest many options that were given the thumbs down. Almost all common phrases, such as, senior; golden years, elderly, aged, or older were met with comments that all pretty much said the same thing. “I do not want to be called that.” “I do not think of myself as that.” “It is negative.”
I was determined to find a positive word or phrase that describes people
who are 50+. I kept thinking of synonyms of words like experienced and came up with seasoned. It seems to convey the positive side of being older.
Help me spread the phrase “seasoned life person” by using it over the other labels.
Author: Kim Lawrence
After owning a successful distribution business for 18 years, Kim's life was turned upside down when her mother suffered a major stroke. She had to suddenly take over not only the care decisions for her mother, but also manage her mother's business affairs, home, finances, and estate. This was all in addition to managing her own business and personal situation. This blog is to help tell the story in the hope that what she learned, and is still learning, will help guide others if they are or suddenly find themselves in a similar situation.
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