Diary of a Seasoned Life – Life is Unpredictable

No matter what end of the spectrum you are located among the generations included in the “seasoned life person” category, I think the importance in planning ahead should be considered. Early baby boomers and pre-baby boomers often have the idea that their children or grandchildren will eventually divide up their things when they are gone, so why should they divest now? Later baby boomers think that they have plenty of time to deal with that issue. In this blog, I will hit some of the hard facts that both groups need to consider seriously.

You can hang your hat on the fact that life is very unpredictable. You can think that because your parents or other relatives lived to a ripe old age, that you will, too. This you cannot hang your hat on. Genetics can play a role in predicting one’s future, but there are plenty of other factors that can affect that future. Lifestyle, stress, amount of exercise and physical activity, smoking, drinking, diet, exposure to risk, and frequency of health checks all play a role and can be a game changer. Another big factor we do not often consider is what we cannot control – actions of others that cause harm. Any of these can create what I call a “life event”. “Life events” are an illness, accident, disease, disability (permanent or temporary), or death that occurs to a loved one or yourself.

My father was an active man who exercised and did not smoke most of his adult life. His father, grandfather, brother, and several uncles were heavy smokers and all died in their sixties of heart attacks. He always thought he would never live beyond 65. He lived until he was 76. What he did not expect was that cancer would be his life event. My mother was a woman who lived independently and seemed to be going strong all the way up to 79, when a stroke happened. With the exception of her older brother, stroke was not something other relatives suffered. Cancer was what she feared. My sister-in-law is only 58 years old and her parents are both living in their mid-eighties. She never expected to find she had a clogged artery known as “the widow maker” and needed treatment immediately.

Have a discussion with your spouse, parents, or children about expectations and plans if something were to happen to you. Take control of how you want things to be concerning your care, finances, home, business, pets, and belongings. Make a plan and visit with professionals who can assist in the preparation of documents or executing a plan. Part of this plan should include what to do with your cherished possessions.

Seasoned Life Transitions can help you consign those valued collectible pieces that you may find out your loved ones do not want after all. We can market your items to collectors, including telling the history and story of the piece, in hopes of finding them a new home where it will continue to be cherished. You can use the money to fund your future.

Consignment Website

Our consignment website, www.collectiblesclearinghouse.com is now live. Check it out! We are also accepting consignment collectibles to add to the website. Please contact me if you have items you would like to consign. The toll free number is 866-653-9669.

Diary of a Seasoned Life – The Value of Friendships

The  Value of Friendships

We have all heard the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” I am quickly learning that it also takes a village to help care for a dependent parent or spouse. When a tragedy occurs, you really find out who your real friends are and who you can count on to be there for you.

My Dear Friend, Teresa

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been preparing, conducting, and cleaning up from a Life Event Sale at my mom’s home. It has been an overwhelming task for me and I could not have accomplished it without the help of some really great people. Friends of mine and my mom’s from ages long ago have reached out and spent countless hours helping me sort, set up, sell, tear down, pack, haul, and whatever else was needed to get the job done. People that I have not seen for decades stopped by to visit and shop. They sent their friends to do the same. I heard about stories of long ago and appreciation from these people for what my parents meant to them. It was very heartwarming.

I also have to thank my sister for spending several days of her first week of summer vacation helping watch over Mom while I was away. She was a great help and it allowed me the opportunity to devote my time and energy toward this sale. She expressed that the experience helped her better understand the challenges of being a caregiver for a live in loved one. Just having that extra support and sharing is crucial for my sanity sometimes.

I also found that just asking for help from people most are more than willing to do so, if they are aware of how they can be helpful. I received help from some people whom I had not met before. Almost everyone can relate to this type of situation and understand the challenges.

I will forever be grateful to everyone who stepped up. You all will be true friends in my book and hope that I can return the favor when a need arises.