Diary of a Seasoned Life – How to Start the Process of Downsizing

How do you go about tackling downsizing a home? It is an overwhelming task in many cases. The best place to start is in the areas that are visible. Look at counter tops, shelving, furniture, and corners of a room. Do you have things piled there? After you declutter those areas, tackle the not so visible areas: pantries, closets, cabinets, storage bins, garages, attics, storage rooms, and furniture with storage areas.

Don’t complicate things by giving yourself unreasonable deadlines on getting the entire house cleared out. Do one or two areas each week. Get friends and family to help you.

Cluttered Closet

Below is a printable list of suggestions on the process of downsizing. I hope you find it helpful.

How to Start the Process of Downsizing

If you would like professional help, please contact me at Seasoned Life Transitions. The email is seasonedlifetransitions@gmail.com . The toll free number is 866-653-9669.